Stitches and Designs of Embroidery

There are many kinds of stitches and designs in embroidery. These are some examples of stitches that is usually used in embroidery.

Outline Stitch
The outline stitch is used to make slender lines. Bring the thread through to the surface, beginning at the line to embroidered. Working from left to right, insert the needle down into the line 1/2 or 5/8 inch from the starting point. Bring the needle up through the surface again, 1/4 inch to the right. Keep thread above needle. Continue as before until outline is completed.

Lazy Daisy Stitch
The Lazy Daisy stitch may be used to make tiny leaves and flowers. Knot the thread and bring needle to the surface at the base of the petal or leaf. Put the needle down in the exact spot from which it has just come, and bring it back to surface at the tip of leaf or petal, with thread above needle. Pull thread carefully until a loop forms to the shape and size of the design. The needle goes over the loop and down into the same spot where the needle came out to hold the loop in place.

French Knots
Bring thread up through the surface. Hold the needle close to the cloth, keeping the thread under the left thumb. Then wind the thread around the needle two or three times. Insert needle into design, almost in the spot where thread was pulled through.

Blanket Stitch
The Blanket Stitch is used in harmonizing or contrasting colors for decorative edges. Insert needle 1/4 inch above edge of cloth and bring thread through below the edge of the design. Work from left to right, with thread below needle to form a loop. Draw needle through the loop. For a uniform effect the spaces between the stitches should be equal to their length.

Buttonhole Stitch
The buttonhole stitch is exactly the same as the blanket stitch, except that the stitches are very close together, with no fabric showing in between. Before cutting through the buttonhole line, machine saw a rectangular box the length of the buttonhole and about 1/4 inch wide, with the line in the middle. Cut through the line from end to end, but don't cut into the machine stitching. This stitched foundation will guide you in making firm and even stitches. Or use a buttonhole attachment, and hand embroider over the machine stitches. Work from left to right, drawing the thread through the loop in the direction of the cut buttonhole.

Use the buttonhole stitch for scallops, and after they are finished, cut away outer edge of the fabric.

Buttonhole Eyelets
Eyelets are both decorative and functional. They can be used in openwork or in cutwork embroidery for buckle prongs or drawstring openings. You can make eyelets to size by puncturing the material with a knitting needle. Eyelets can be embroidered like buttonholes, with the thread loop in the direction of the opening. Or the thread can be looped away from the opening. Either methods forms a neat rim around the eyelet.

Overcast Eyelets
Eyelets can also be embroidered with an overcast stitch. Bring the needle to the surface, close to the edge, and work the stitches in and out around edges of eyelet, with thread above the needle. Proceed counterclockwise, keeping stitches close together.

Satin Stitch
Satin stitch is a favorite for covering small areas or as a filling stitch for a monogram. The thread should be about 30 inches long, and the eye of the needle large enough for the thread to pass through. Start working at the top. Bring the thread to the surface from underneath, through one line of the design. Insert the needle into the opposite line. Carry it underneath and back to the starting point on the surface of the cloth. The stitches should be very close together.

Long and Short Stitch
This filling stitch is similar to the satin stitch, except that lengths are irregular, a long stitch beside or underneath a short stitch. This is an effective stitch for shading colors. Just as it does in drawing and painting, the light shining on the surface. Bring the needle up through top of fabric at outer edge of the design. Take a stitch about 1/2 inch long, then a stitch 1/4 inch long beside the first one. Alternate the long and short stitches. Overlap the stitches a little in working them below each other. Work outside edges first. Fill centers with a lighter shade of red to give the cherries a raised look.

Cherry Leaves
For the cherry leaves use the satin stitch at an angle. Give the leaf a center vein by working from center outward. Use the satin stitch for the branch.

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